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Partnering with Equalheart americorps to provide service opportunities, career exploration and professional development
Readers 2 Leaders is a host site for AmeriCorps members serving through Equal Heart. Readers 2 Leaders offers service opportunities for AmeriCorps members during the school year and over the summer. AmeriCorps members receive both a living stipend as well as an education award for their service. Members are also provided with opportunities for continued education and professional development during their term of service.
Applications for Summer 2025 AmeriCorps Members are now OPEN.
Readers 2 Leaders is an approved Off-Campus Work Study Partner for the Southern Methodist University.
There are a variety of work study opportunities for students within Readers 2 Leaders, from direct tutoring to development and marketing.
If you are a student eligible for the Work Study Program at your college/university or are the Work Study coordinator at a local college/university and interested in partnering with Readers 2 Leaders, please contact us at